Missione compiuta: terminata l’installazione di un impianto di sterilizzazione rifiuti ospedalieri a rischio infettivo presso un ospedale in Repubblica Ceca

https://ecosyst.it/newsite/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/VEOLIA-CZECH-REPUBLIC-on-LinkedIn-veolia-veoliacz-energie-odpad-greenup-2.mp4 Tutto lo staff ECOSYST / VEOLIA è orgoglioso di aver installato la tecnologia Ecosyst Made in Italy 🇮🇹 all’interno di un ospedale in Repubblica Ceca in collaborazione con GRUPPO VEOLIA ENERGIE CR Francia 🇫🇷. Ultimo collaudo, messa in servizio e convalida in appena 48 ore.

Nuova installazione impianto di sterilizzazione rifiuti ospedalieri a rischio infettivo presso un ospedale in Repubblica Ceca

Tutto lo staff ECOSYST è orgoglioso di aver installato la nostra tecnologia Made in Italy all’interno di un ospedale in Repubblica Ceca in collaborazione con il Gruppo Veolia Energie CR Francia. L’impianto, di ridotte dimensioni, può essere alloggiato in un ambiente interno alla struttura ospedaliera e senza allacciamenti, grazie all’assenza di scarichi fognari.

La stand di Ecosyst alla fiera ECOMONDO 2022

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I mainly managed projects and worked as a video editor. On production, there were times that I was called on to work as an audio tech and was made to wear headphones on long production days. In those days, having a really good set of headphones that picked up every nuance of sound was essential to making sure the client got what they needed.

Ecosyst parteciperĂ  alla fiera ECOMONDO 2022 – Stand 066 Pad. C3

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I mainly managed projects and worked as a video editor. On production, there were times that I was called on to work as an audio tech and was made to wear headphones on long production days. In those days, having a really good set of headphones that picked up every nuance of sound was essential to making sure the client got what they needed.

Ecosyst parteciperĂ  alla fiera ECOMONDO 2021 – Stand 004 Pad. C3

Many years ago, I worked for my parents who own a video production company. Because it is a family business, you inevitably end up wearing many hats and being the czar of many different jobs. I mainly managed projects and worked as a video editor. On production, there were times that I was called on to work as an audio tech and was made to wear headphones on long production days. In those days, having a really good set of headphones that picked up every nuance of sound was essential to making sure the client got what they needed.